Local Storage Tab




Backup Location - Select the folder on a local hard drive where data from this site is to be placed. Do not use the same location for multiple sites.

It is important to select a proper Backup Location. SiteShelter will maintain the files in this location by adding, moving, and optionally deleting files automatically and without further warning. Selecting the wrong location can cause unwanted data loss when running in Mirror Mode.


IMPORTANT: Mirror Mode will delete files from Local Storage which do not exist on the Internet Server. Therefore, if you select (for example) your WINNT folder as the Local Storage location, SiteShelter WILL delete all the files in your WINNT folder.

Be careful when you select the Backup Location!


When you select a Backup Location that already contains files, SiteShelter warns you with the following two screens.




Number of Versions - SiteShelter can automatically archive multiple versions of files that are changed or deleted on the Internet site. The default is zero or blank, which makes SiteShelter keep no versions other than the most current. You can keep up to 9999 versions.

SiteShelter stores previous versions of files that change under a special folder structure below the Backup Location, called \PreviousVersions.

Below the \PreviousVersions folder, SiteShelter creates and maintains a series of folders, each with a different name indicating the version number of files within it. These version folders are named \Version1, \Version2, \Version3, etc.

Inside each Version folder, SiteShelter maintains a directory structure identical to the FTP Server (and the Local Storage) as needed to hold previous versions of changed and deleted files. - Not the entire Internet site, only the changed and deleted files.

As files age through the number of versions you have defined in the Number of Versions field, SiteShelter rotates them through the Version folders. \Version1 folder always contains the most recent archived revision. \Version2 folder contains files one revision older. \Version3 folder contains files one revision older than \Version2 - and so on.

So, if you define Number of Versions as 3, SiteShelter will maintain four versions of files - three progressively older archived versions, and one current version.